Created in 1998

What the Tabby Ribbon Campaign is all about...
The Tabby Ribbon Campaign was originally created by a really great purrson named Joni. She created it in honor of (of coarse) her favorite feline. We came across her site and thought that we could make something of the campaign. That is when we sent a letter to Joni and asked if we would be able to use her idea on our site. She was so nice and yes gave us what she had created.The reason originally attached to the campaign was for the empowerment of kitties and that is still our main focus. We want the world to know that cats are not just mammals, we are they most purrfect mammals on earth. We were created with only the purpose of being intelligent, as well as beautiful. We also want to use this as a chance to help promote kitties of the less fortunate. We want to encourage people who have the time, money and love to adopt from shelters and save lives. We also want to promote spaying and neutering to help control the population. This campaign should raise awareness and support the feline community from all aspects. We ask that you please treat your kitty with lots of love and compassion, you can show your support for kitties by posting one of our banners and becoming a supporter. We hope that you enjoy this site, most of all we hope that it helps a kitty somewhere in the world find a home and live a long happy nine lives.

The requirements to be in the Tabby Ribbon Campaign Webring are:

This ring is only for pages that belong to Cats In Company Members.

Your page must contain a link to the Tabby Ribbon Campaign. Available banner can be found on the Show Your Support page for the Tabby Ribbon Campaign.

The pages must belong to the cat or contain information mostly about the cat.

Non members Please register for a Cats In Company membership before you register for the ring. The club is for Cats ONLY!

Cats In Company does not condone bandwith theft of grahpics therefore any one who uses our graphics with a direct link will be removed from the ring. Please copy the ring graphics to YOUR own site.

Everyone applying for the ring must agree to place the Cat Ring code/graphic at the URL that is registered with the Cat Ring.

We will decline site that show cats being abused, or other forms of obscenity.

If you meet these requirements go ahead an fill out the form below and your site will be added to the site review list.

Now you need to copy the following image and save it to your server:

Now you need the add the HTML code fragment to your page. If you go to JOIN OUR WEBRING a customized version of the HTML code will be sent to you. All you will have to do is copy and paste it into your page and you will be added to the ring.

Once you have added the HTML code and the graphics to your site, the webring should look like this:

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Tabby Ribbon Campaign Webring © 1998-2002 by the Cats In Company.

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